Partners Program
Join our mission. Become a WRAP Partner!
Our WRAP Partners Program is your opportunity to make a meaningful investment, not only financially, but also in the creation of safer, healthier relationships, families, and communities. By partnering with us, you're not just supporting an organization; you're championing the cause of ending domestic and sexual violence in our region and in supporting stable loving families. Together, we can build a brighter, more secure future for all.
Supports the operation of our safe homes for 1 month.
Supports 1 month of support & advocacy services in a single county.
​Supports an impactful regional awareness campaign.
Supports providing one month of support to a family for a fresh start.
Supports transporting a family to safety out of the area.
Provides 1 night of safe refuge in an emeregency hotel.
Partner Levels & Benefits
Nurturing Neighbor ($100 - $499)
Exclusive updates on WRAP's impactful work and events
Teal Trailblazer ($500 - $999)
All Nurturing Neighbor benefits plus:
Recognition on WRAP's website and social media platforms
Recognition in WRAP's e-newsletter
Purple Partner ($1,000 - $2,499)
All Teal Trailblazer benefits plus:
Recognition in WRAP's annual report
Altruistic Advocate ($2,500 - $4,999)
All Purple Partner benefits plus:
Linked logo inclusion on WRAP's website
Resilient Responder ($5,000 - $9,999)
All Altruistic Advocate benefits plus:
Recognition in featured article on WRAP’s website
Winged Warrior ($10,000 - $19,999)
All Resilient Responder benefits plus:
Featured Recognition in WRAP's annual report
Recognition at WRAP's major events
Named Sponsorship of WRAP Program
Legacy Leader ($20,000 and above)
All Winged Warrior benefits plus:
Logo on WRAP’s website footer for one year

At WRAP, we are committed to transforming lives, one relationship at a time. With over 92% of our annual budget dedicated to direct services across West Tennessee, we tirelessly work to support survivors and families.
While we are grateful for the vital state and federal grants that fund most of our programs, they often come with evolving criteria and varying annual allocations. To maintain the crucial continuity of our services and meet grant requirements for matching funds, we rely on the generous support of individuals, foundations, and corporations like you.